Exhibition pavilion (2017)


Program: exhibition pavilion

Size: 200-600sqm

Client: Fundação Serralves

Award: 2nd prize


Architecture: João Caldas, Rita Breda, Pedro Rodrigues, Luís Soares, Roberto Sánchez





     The Serralves Foundation promoted a contest for the Design of an Exhibition Pavilion to "invigorate the creation of new creative projects based on an innovative approach that stimulates new creative solutions". As a premise, the competition was set to create an itinerant pavilion capable of displaying varied contents on any given location and configurating several dimensions. Therefore, we had to consider a structure that would be assembled, disassembled and stored several times.


A pele

Sistemas de telas que compõem o revestimento da fachada exceptuando os topos em maceira.

O esqueleto

Estructura porticada em madeira assemblada por encaixe e aparafusamento.

O piso

lajes de pavimento modular compostas por infra-estructura e soalho assembladas por encaixe e aparafusamento.

A pegada 

Sistema de apoios ajustáveis permitindo a adaptção ao terreno com impacto reduzido.